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Tmall Global MinistoreProvides end-to-end assistance to suppliers, from product incubation, to brand training, and consumer operations: Ideal for small- and medium-sized enterprises
One-Stop Consignment
Product/Brand/Consumer Operations; End-to-End Assistance
Product Incubation
Best-Sellers Created within 90 Days; with 10 Times More Traffic for New Products
Low Entry and Low Operations Costs; and commission settlement
Four-Step Onboarding- Ministore -
1. Submit your Application
Choose your Brand Station Category/Brand Category; Enter your Brand/Company Information
2. Qualification Review
Brand Assessment; Qualification Review
3. Store Preparation
Pay the Security Deposit
4. Open your Store
List your Products, and Submit your Marketing Materials
Expand Your Business into ChinaMerchant Hotline: +86 400 903 0119No third-party agency was authorized by Tmall Global to charge for onboarding services. Please reach out to us through the official channel
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